Palliative Care Department of the ELCT

Palliative Care Department of the ELCT


Mission:  to enhance and develop Palliative Care efforts throughout the ELCT health system, incorporating the basic principles of Palliative Care with an emphasis on spiritual health and relationships.


Personnel:  Kristopher Hartwig MD


2004 Activities


1: Above physician recruited through the ELCA as a missionary position, beginning work fulltime by August 2004

2:  LWF funding obtained for the year 2004 to allow the program to begin, which has allowed for travel, meetings, and other key aspects of the work

3:  Hosted a ELCT wide conference on Palliative Care June 2004

4:  Shared as host, with Selian Hospice, for the first meeting of the African     Palliative Care Association June 2004

5:  16 of 20 ELCT hospitals visited by the end of 2004

6:  February 2005 meeting planned to push forward PC and Home Based Care from where things are presently

7:  Dr. Hartwig serving as Chair of the Tanzanian Palliative Care Association Steering Committee, with 2 TPCA trips to Dar and more such meetings planned.

8:  KH also serving on Advocacy Committee of the APCA

The ELCT hospitals met in February of 2005 with the theme of Teambuilding in Palliative care, using the Biblical text Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ".



APCA contact:

TPCA contact:

Lutheran Church Hospitals: map.htm