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By Dr. Leena Pasanen – Paediatrician.

In the children’s ward were treated 3,811 children: 3,596 children were discharged and 215 children died (mortality rate 5.6%). In the group of the children who were discharged, 2,910 were under five years old (81%) and those who died 176 (82%) were under five. Usually malaria has been the most common diagnosis in the children’s ward but this year the rainy season was poor and we treated fewer malaria patients. Now lower respiratory tract infection was the diagnosis number one (1,536 cases) followed by malaria (1,110 cases).

Among 1,110 malaria patients complicated cases were 244 (22%). Overall mortality of malaria was 3.3% but if malaria was complicated with anaemia mortality was 11.1%.

170 HIV –positive children were treated and 41 of them died (mortality 24%). Bed occupancy rate was 137%


The number of patient’s attendance to this unit increased this year from 1926 of 2002 to 2471 in 2003. Dental caries is still the most common condition seen in the unit.

Other diagnoses are periodontitis, cancer of the oral cavity, Temporo- Mandibular joint (TMJ) dislocations and fracture of the facial bones.

In this case, the procedures frequently done in the unit include: - tooth extractions and filling, I and D, root canal treatment, TMJ reduction, Fracture mobilization and fixation, new denture manufacturing and repairing old ones.

A part from the curative and rehabilitative services, the unit performed dental lectures and examination to nurse students at INMTS. School health programmes to primary schools around Ilembula hospital continued to offer hygiene instructions to all the pupils.


This year there was an eye camp in this hospital in May. The camp attracted a lot of patients with eye problems to come for treatment. Altogether were operated 156 patients in 5 days. We are thankful to CCBRT Hospital in Dar es Salaam for sending their eye specialist doctor and a nurse to help our eye team of this hospital.


The total number of deliveries decreased from 2409 to 2375 in 2002 and 2003 , respectively. However, the number of caesarian sections increased from 547 in 2002 to 571 in 2003. The maternal mortality ratio decreased from 811 per 100, 000 in 2002 to 473 per 100, 000 live births in 2003.


Total number of beds 41

Total number of admissions 1,665

Total number of deaths 176

Total number of discharge 1,960

Average length of stay per admission 5 days

Total number of patients referrel to higher levels 6 22. 


Total number of beds 40

Total number of admissions 487

Total number of deaths 12

Total number of discharges 475

Avarege length of stay 10 days

Total number referred from lower level 62

Total number referred to higher level 5


The two operating theatres of the hospital were very busy all the time. There were 1230 major operations in 2003 compared to 1176 operations in 2002. Drs Sporn, Kyambile and Lunogelo had special operating day plans for elective surgical procedures. However, doctors Msigomba and Temihango used the theatres for emergency cases during their on-call duties. Dr. Markus Ross worked for 6 weeks this year and he solved a lot of Gynaecological problems in the hospital. 


We had a fully operating voluntary counselling and testing centre in this hospital for the whole year. Unfortunately, the HIV infection rate seems to increase despite all the efforts spent on the education about the prevention of HIV infection. The number of people who attended our centre for VCT were 788 for 2003 compared to 144 for 2002. The HIV infection rate was 16% for 2003 compared to 12.5% in 2002. 

Nevertheless, this year we started a programme of Home Based Care (HBC) for people with AIDS and other chronic conditions. This programme has attracted many AIDS patients, who were formerly hiding themselves, to appear publicly and talk about their conditions. We are thankful to CUAMM organization, through Dr. Mwakajila, for supporting this programme materially. 

There are plans already to strengthen this programme of HBC and include the care for orphan children whose parents died of AIDS. This additional care service will be supported by CUAHA (Church Unite in struggle Against HIV/AIDS) 


Total number of beds for TB/Leprosy 15 

Number of patients on 1-1-2003 TB 6 Leprosy 0 

Number of patients admitted TB 184 Leprosy 0 

Number of patients discharge TB 310 Leprosy 0 

(death included) 

Number of patients in hospital on 31.12.2003 TB 12 Leprosy 0 

Duration of hospital stay for T.B patients 

1 week 211 Leprosy 0 

2-4 week 98 Leprosy 0 

5-8 Weeks 230 Leprosy 0 

9-16 Weeks 10 Leprosy 0 


2003 2002 2001 

0.9% N/ Saline 2420 2826 2,746 

5% Dextrose 2587 5,722 5,775 

Ringer Lactate 5155 5,284 4,270 

Blood Bottles 1051 1,079 1,608 

½ strength darrows 1086 5,212 1,608 

0.18-4.37% D/Saline 2177 3,721 4,796 

Others Irrigation of BPH 1570 - 4 

Total 16,468 24,122 32,971 


On behalf of the chaplaincy department, I would like to take this crucial opportunity to thank our God for leading the department to offer its services according to his will. I believe that he planned everything that had been done. The following services were offered effectively, during the year 2003. 


               PARTICULARS            TOTAL 

               Holy communion            840 

               Baptism                        12 

               Backsliders repented      60 


Each class had 1.5 hours per week for Bible knowledge studies. Student attendances were encouraging. 


Members of HCF had been gathering together once per week, normally on Thursday at 7.30 Pm. They were sharing and strengthening one another in spiritual matters. The members were all from Christian denominations. 


In the year 2003 major repair was done in hospital wards by replacing all the asbestos roofs with corrugated iron sheets together with painting and renovation of the electricity system. Construction of the surgical ward, which started in 2001, was completed in this year. This will help the separation of surgical cases from the medical cases in the hospital. In the same period, three doctors’ rooms (offices) were built as well. They are now used by doctors as patients clinic rooms. 

The buildings were opened on 2nd November, 2003 by Bishop Z.A. Mgeyekwa. The out-patient department was constructed and extended to accommodate the increasing number of patients. This work involved extension of the waiting place out side the main OPD building to allow the former waiting place to be used for the laboratory services. The administration building was inaugurated by Bishop Z.A. Mgeyekwa on 2nd November, 2003. 


Construction of a new and modern sewage disposal system started with the assistance and technical support/advice from SPET-R+D consultants Ltd. The environmental engineer, Mr. Joshua Mgeyekwa, did the surveying and advised on how to construct this new sewage system for the hospital. The project was completed and opened by Hon. Junior Minister for Health, Dr. Hussein Mwinyi on 15th December 2003. 


In these units major works continued to be that of repair and manufacturing of new furniture for the hospital use. Water pipes, diesel engine generators, hospital equipment as well as hospital vehicles were repaired by Mr. Nyagawa and the newly employed technician, Mr. Geoffrey Temihango. Some equipment were repaired by MBEHOMA and SHHOMA. However, our local technicians were trained on proper planned preventive maintenance for all the hospital equipment. 

We are very gratefull to FELM and to all other donors for their financial support in the construction and repair of our hospital buildings.

"Partnership for Healthy Communities for A Healthy Nation"

