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Reproductive Health (RH)


Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) has been complementing the efforts of the Government in delivering quality services of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) in Tanzania. The establishment of health services in ELCT went hand in hand with installation of RCH services under the support of respective district councils. Under the ELCT Managed Health Care Program (MHCP) which existed for 17 years and ended 2014 several projects were established one being the RH clinic based project which aimed to improve the quality of RH services provided in ELCT health facilities.

Through partnership with Engender-health-ACQUIRE project in 2002-2006; 19 ELCT hospitals was capacitated in provision of quality family planning services.

In 2009 Church of Sweden committed to support 20 ELCT hospitals in improving the quality of reproductive health services in general with focus on service integration, promotion of reproductive health rights and male participation in reproductive health matters, strengthen organization and coordination of RH services at the facility and HQ levels; aiming to accelerate the implementation of Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s 4, 5, 6) of decreasing child mortality, improving maternal health and combating malaria and HIV/AIDS.


1. Capacity building for ELCT health facility staff through various RH skills trainings

  • Organize and facilitate the onsite  and centralized skills training for the eligible staff from ELCT hospitals
  • Coordinate the implementation and reporting of  Long Term and Permanent  Family Planning and Post Abortion Care as part of General Hospital services in 20 ELCT hospitals
  • Support annual operational plans for each hospital to facilitate implementation of quality services.
  • Conduct supportive supervision to all 20 implementing sites with emphasis on comprehensive RH services.

2. To facilitate increased linkages between RCH and other health services at facility level including HIV/AIDS clinical and community services

  • Promote collaboration and sharing of information, skills and clinical equipments between the existing units
  • Monitor closely all program activities and document achievements and weaknesses to enhance better planning for the future.

3. To support some innovative and culturally acceptable practices that will increase the access to RCH and FP services by youth and men

  • Orient the RH coordinators and facility staff/managers on the best strategies to attract men involvement in RH clinics with focus on communication, integration, engagement of traditional and religious leaders.
  • Promote the access and use of the RCH services by the marginalized groups and youth

4. To improve practices of infection prevention and control among health professionals in all ELCT health facilities.

  • Conduct onsite teaching on infection prevention to staff of the ELCT health facilities.
  • Capacitate hospital leaders, infection prevention coordinators and infection prevention committee on the organization and execution of an infection prevention program, including regular hygiene assessments
  • Establish a system to strengthen infection prevention practices among the staff in the dispensaries and health centers.
  • Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of trainings towards change of attitude among the staff

"Partnership for Healthy Communities for A Healthy Nation"

