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Projects of ELCT Health Department

For a time now ELCT health Department has been reaching the communities through different projects all aiming at providing quality health care services that are integrated within the national health systems, affordable, equitable, and sustainable and gender sensitive.  

Different projects came in and go but leave remarkable marks which lasts for generations. All these projects had and have been supported by several donors and stakeholders who have been very kind and supportive. 2014 marked the end of MHCP which acted as an umbrella for all projects and currently the Department is remained with the following Projects and Programs.

1. Palliative care Program
2. Reproductive Health project
3. ICT and Telemedicine Project
4. Primary Health Project
5. Hospital Hygiene Project
6. Malaria Project

Partners and Other Stakeholders

MHCP - Finnish Evangelical Lutheran MissionChurch of Sweden Mission and Danish Missionary Council.
The HIV/AIDS activities -  
European Commission/Europe Aid and Dan Church Aid. USAID through Interchurch medical assistant 
Palliative Care - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA),
 Global Partners in care (GPIC),  CHAT project, CDC through Africare.TPCA and  Ocean Road, Selian Hospice. 
The MEMS program is sponsored by 
Management Sciences for Health (MSH)Cordaid and The Royal Danish Embassy. 
ICT project - 
The International Institute for Communication,  (International Information and communication Development (IICD)  and Cordaid. 

Malaria – Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

"Partnership for Healthy Communities for A Healthy Nation"

