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Primary Health Care Concept

This is essential health care that meets health needs of the majority of the people. The care should be accessible to individuals and families and communities served and communities should participate in planning and implementation of PHC. This strategy which focuses on Health Promotion through behaviour modification has been implemented by the ELCT for quite a long time concurrently with curative services. A more focused approach of ELCT of strengthening Community-Based Health Care activities in ELCT areas included the following two important elements: 

1) Capacity building: 

  • Helping the diocese to form multidisciplinary PHC Teams; 
  • Training of PHC Teams on basics for PHC planning and management. 
  • Assisting PHC teams in developing PHC in plans and their implementation. 
  • Training the teams in use of Obstacles and Opportunities to Development (O & OD) Approach in and strategies to improve Community Participation in PHC activities. 
  • Organising Study tours for PHC Teams to PHC Project of best practice. 
  • Training Diocesan Teams on Advocacy, Lobbying and Negotiation Skills for Service Agreement implementation and seeking resources for PHC work in Dioceses. 

 2) Conducting Advocacy for ELCT Health Work so as to secure more resources from Local Government and Central Government for supporting ELCT in its endeavours. 

  • Creating awareness to stakeholders on ELCT-PHC work e.g. among District Medical Officers, Council Health Management Teams), inviting them in project activities, paying courtesy during visits to districts where ELCT Diocese operate. 
  • Raising awareness on Service Agreement among Hospital Management Teams in ELCT Health Facilities and ELCT - PHC Committees. 
  • Collaborating with CSSC on information it needs for MoHSW and synergy with CSSC on advocacy with CSSC work at Ministerial and Zonal Levels. 

To-date, most of ELCT Dioceses are implementing some sort of PHC activities around Diocesan Health facilities and few of these dioceses have been and are implementing Comprehensive Primary Health Projects. 

After this introductory information, some of these PHC Models will be introduced to the readers. Some of these PHC Models were started using the skills gained under Participatory Rural/Rapid Appraisal (PRA) on community needs and the O &OD training in which Community Participation was at the centre of the process. 

Because of its significance in health transformation, more explanation is given below.

"Partnership for Healthy Communities for A Healthy Nation"

